What Web3 Terminology Do You Need To Know?

8 min readJun 16, 2023

Unlock the power of web3 gaming with this comprehensive guide to web3 gaming terminology & definitions, including blockchain gaming, NFTs, and DAOs.

As the world of gaming continues to evolve, so do the terminology and definitions that come with it. Web3 gaming has revolutionized how gamers interact and experience their favorite games online. From non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), web3 gaming terminology & definitions are essential for understanding this new frontier in digital entertainment.

In this blog post, we’ll explore all facets of web3 gaming — including blockchain terms, game genre, and web3 gaming terminology & definitions. Get ready for a comprehensive look at what’s ahead!

General Game Developments

Game development is the process of creating a video game. It involves concept creation, design, programming, and testing. The goal of game development is to create an engaging experience that players will enjoy.

The metaverse is a virtual world where people can interact with each other in real-time through avatars or digital representations of themselves. It’s also home to many different types of games and experiences which are being developed for this new type of platform.

When developing games for the metaverse there are several key elements that need to be taken into consideration such as user interface (UI), user experience (UX), graphics, audio, physics engine, and networking capabilities. All these components must work together in order to create an immersive gaming environment.

Developers must also consider how their game will fit into the larger metaverse ecosystem by integrating with existing platforms like Decentraland or High Fidelity as well as leveraging blockchain technology for things like non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). This requires a deep understanding of both traditional game development techniques as well as web3 technologies such as smart contracts and distributed ledger systems.

Finally, developers should focus on making sure their games are fun and engaging, while still providing meaningful rewards for players who invest time into them. This way they will keep coming back again and again.

General game developments are the foundation of any successful gaming experience, and understanding web3 gaming terminology & definitions is essential to creating a great game.

Blockchain Gaming Terms

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Non-fungible tokens are digital assets that exist on the blockchain and have unique properties. They can represent any type of asset, from in-game items to real estate or art. NFTs are not interchangeable like traditional cryptocurrencies, but instead, represent a single item with its own set of attributes.

For example, an NFT might be used to store information about a rare virtual pet in a game or to track ownership of a piece of artwork.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

A decentralized autonomous organization is an organization run by computer code rather than humans. DAOs use smart contracts and other technologies built on top of the blockchain to enable users to make decisions without relying on centralized authority figures such as governments or corporations. The goal is for these organizations to operate autonomously and transparently while still providing services that benefit their members.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing agreements written into lines of code that execute automatically when certain conditions are met. These contracts can be used for anything — financial transactions between two parties, verifying identity documents, creating digital signatures, and managing data records — all without needing any third-party involvement or trust between the parties involved in the transaction.

Web3 Gaming

Web3 gaming refers to games built using distributed ledger technology such as Ethereum’s blockchain platform, which allows players full control over their own data stored within the game itself. This includes character stats, inventory items, and currency. Players no longer need to rely on centralized servers owned by developers or publishers for storing this data as they now have full autonomy over it.

Key Takeaway:Blockchain gaming terms are essential for game designers, developers, and marketers to understand in order to create engaging experiences that players will love.

Game Genre and In-Game Terms

Role-Playing Games (RPGs)

Role-playing games (RPGs) are one of the most popular genres in gaming, and they have been around for decades. RPGs involve players taking on the role of a character or group of characters within a fictional world. Players must interact with other characters, complete quests, and explore their environment to progress through the game.

Examples include classic titles such as Dungeons & Dragons and Final Fantasy, as well as modern offerings like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and World of Warcraft.

Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs)

Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) are an evolution of traditional RPGs that allow thousands of players to play together simultaneously in a shared virtual world. In MMORPGs, players can create unique avatars which they use to explore vast digital worlds filled with monsters, dungeons, NPCs (non-player characters), crafting systems, PvP combat zones, and more.

Popular examples include Runescape 3D and Guild Wars 2.

Real-Time Strategy Games (RTS)

Real-time strategy games focus on resource management and strategic planning rather than direct control over individual units or characters like in RPGs or MMORPGs. Players must build up resources such as gold coins or mana points while also managing their armies by constructing buildings and researching new technologies to gain an advantage over their opponents.

Examples include Age Of Empires II HD Edition, StarCraft II Legacy Of The Void, and Total War Three Kingdoms.

Sandbox/Open World Games

Sandbox/open-world games offer players large open environments where they can explore freely without any set objectives or goals imposed by developers. These types of games are often referred to as “sandboxes” due to the amount of freedom given to the player. They typically feature dynamic weather systems that affect gameplay mechanics and day/night cycles which alter enemy behavior patterns throughout each playthrough.

Some notable examples are Grand Theft Auto V, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Far Cry 5.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that are unique and cannot be exchanged for other tokens. They represent ownership of virtual items, such as in-game items, collectibles, artwork, and more. NFTs can be bought, sold, and traded on the blockchain using cryptocurrency or fiat currency.

NFTs have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to provide a secure way to own digital assets without having to worry about fraud or counterfeiting. The fact that they are non-fungible means that each token is unique and can’t be replaced by another one with the same value. This makes them ideal for representing rare digital goods such as limited edition artworks or game items with special abilities.

In gaming specifically, NFTs allow players to own rare in-game items which they can then use within the game itself or trade with other players on secondary markets outside of the game platform. For example, some games allow players to purchase exclusive skins for their characters which gives them an edge over other players who don’t have access to those skins. These skins may also increase in value over time depending on how rare they are.

Key Takeaway: Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that provide a secure way to own unique virtual items such as in-game items, collectibles, artwork, and more. The blockchain technology used by NFTs provides an immutable ledger for transactions and ensures the complete safety of user data and privacy along with their associated assets at all times.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

A DAO is essentially an organization that operates according to predetermined rules encoded into its codebase. It has no centralized decision-making process — it relies on consensus from its members who vote using tokens or other forms of digital currency. This allows for greater transparency and trust among participants since all decisions made within the organization are publicly visible on the blockchain network.

The use of DAOs in gaming opens up new possibilities for game developers, players, and investors alike. For example, developers can use them to create custom economies within their games which allow players to trade items with each other without having to go through a third-party platform like Steam or Xbox Live Marketplace.

Additionally, they can also enable crowdfunding campaigns where gamers can invest in projects they believe will succeed while earning rewards if those projects do well financially.

Finally, they provide a secure way for game studios to raise funds from investors while giving them more control over how their products are developed and marketed.

In addition to providing new opportunities for game development, DAOs also offer increased security compared to traditional models due to their immutable nature — once data is written onto the blockchain it cannot be changed or deleted. This makes it difficult for malicious actors to tamper with transactions or manipulate outcomes.

Key Takeaway: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) provide new opportunities for game developers, players, and investors alike. They offer increased security compared to traditional models, allowing for secure crowdfunding campaigns, custom economies, and multiplayer gaming experiences with a high degree of fairness.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing computer programs that can be used to automate transactions between two parties without the need for a third party or intermediary. Smart contracts have been around since the 1990s, but their use in gaming and experiences in the metaverse is relatively new.

In games, smart contracts can be used to create unique digital assets such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) also rely heavily on smart contracts for their operations. Smart contracts enable DAOs to run efficiently by automating tasks such as voting, fundraising, and managing funds securely without any human intervention required.

Smart contracts can also be used in metaverse applications where users interact with each other in virtual worlds built entirely on blockchain technology platforms like Ethereum and EOSIO blockchains. In these applications, smart contract logic enables developers to build immersive experiences where users can buy land, create artwork, host events, earn rewards, and more all while having complete control over their data privacy.

Finally, smart contract logic can also power Web3 gaming where players compete against each other using digital assets stored on the blockchain network. The rules governing gameplay are encoded into immutable smart contract code so there is no chance of cheating or manipulation from outside sources. As a result, Web3 games offer gamers an unprecedented level of trustworthiness compared to traditional online games which often lack transparency due to their centralized server architecture.


Broadening your knowledge of Web3 gaming terminology & definitions is essential in creating games and experiences in the metaverse. From non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), smart contracts, the metaverse, and more, it’s important to have a firm grasp on what each of these terms means so that you can build an engaging experience for your players.

Are you a game developer looking to make the leap into creating games and experiences for the metaverse? Do you want to learn how to create engaging, interactive worlds that people will love? MetaEngine is here with solutions for all your challenges and pitfalls. With our expert guidance, we can help get you on track toward success in building incredible virtual reality environments! Don’t wait any longer — join us today and start crafting unforgettable gaming experiences!




MetaEngine exists to give creators the tools to build games and experiences people love faster and more collaboratively